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Gifted & Talented

Welcome to Dos Rios Elementary Gifted and Talented

My name is Jennifer Bergenheier, and I am the G/T Specialist at Dos Rios Elementary. Please continue to read to learn more about our Gifted and Talented Program, or visit our District Gifted and Talented Program

My focus is working with advanced students and helping teachers meet the needs of gifted students in the classroom as well as identifying students who may qualify for our program. Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. 

Jennifer Bergenheier, Gifted and Talented Specialist,

Jennifer Bergenheier

Jennifer Bergenheier


Identification of Gifted & Talented Students

Greeley-Evans School District follows established procedures for the identification of Gifted/Talented students that align with state guidelines (CDE, 2003). Identification is an ongoing process that is facilitated by the GT teacher in each building. It uses both formal and informal data and requires the collection of a body of evidence over time to substantiate a student's talent in specific areas. Ultimately, the process guides programming for each identified student. A complete identification kit is available at each school. 


To find gifted students whose abilities, talents and potential for accomplishment are so outstanding that they require special provisions in the form of appropriately challenging programming to meet their educational needs. 

Student Identification Process

Collecting a Body of Evidence for Identification

Multiple sources and tools allow children to reveal their exceptionalities or potential. A variety of assessment tools should be used to collect information on a student whose background or talent area makes him/her unique from others. A complete "body of evidence" will consists of data from at least three of the four areas of intellectual ability, achievement, behaviors/characteristics, and demonstrated performance. Identification is based on S (strong), M (moderate), B (borderline) evidence for each piece of data. 


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