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Migrant Education Program

Dos Rios Migrant Education Program

The Migrant Education Program (MEP) provides educational support services to students who have moved into the school district within the past three years and whose parents work in : farming/ranching, planting/harvesting field crops, poultry, dairy, food processing, meat packing, sorting/grading/sacking vegetables and/or fruits, seed packaging, hauling fruits/vegetables, canning, orchards, greenhouse/nursery, tree processing/forestry, irrigation, sod farms, or on the feed lots.

What is the Greeley-Evans School District 6 MEP Program?

The Migrant Education Program (MEP) provides educational support services to students who have moved into the school district within the past three years and whose parents work in : farming/ranching, planting/harvesting field crops, poultry, dairy, food processing, meat packing, sorting/grading/sacking vegetables and/or fruits, seed packaging, hauling fruits/vegetables, canning, orchards, greenhouse/nursery, tree processing/forestry, irrigation, sod farms, or on the feed lots. 


What can the MEP program do for my family?

  • Help enrolling your student(s) in school
  • Provide a Migrant Education Graduation Advocate (MEGA) to help students navigate their educational career
  • Summer school and special migrant student programs
  • Help you communicate with your child's school
  • Tutoring and mentoring for students
  • Schools supplies as needed; help with some school fees
  • Free breakfast and lunch for students
  • Help with college and scholarship applications


Dos Rios MEGA: